March 2019
Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Confidence
Key Truth: We must be motivated to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, because it is the most important message we will ever share as Christians. Romans 1:8-17
December 2018
Moving Forward Looking to Jesus
Key Truth: We cannot have a divided focus when we are seeking after the Lord. For 2019, develop a renewed focus on your purpose and a renewed vision toward Jesus Christ. Hebrews 12:1-6
The Gift: God’s Love for All
Key Truth: God’s love flows from His very nature and has been demonstrated for us through the birth of Jesus Christ. 1 John 4: 7 – 12
Christmas Is All About The God of The Impossible
Key Truth: The primary thing God calls you to give to Him is yourself; nobody modeled this more than Jesus. Luke 1:26-37
The Promised Messiah!
Key Truth: The promise of heaven is made human in the person of Jesus, the promised Messiah. Isaiah 9:1-7
God is Waiting…But He Will Not Wait Forever!
Isaiah 30:8-15, 18 Key Truth: God wants us to rely on Him, Trust in Him and not in our own perverse state of truth.