October 2020

Living As Children of Light In The Midst of Darkness

Romans 12:9-21 Key Truth:  Being the body of Christ means uniting in love around a common purpose.

Why We Take Communion?

Hebrews 10:11-18 Key Truth:  Jesus Christ sacrifice for our sins should be a source of joy and gratitude in our daily lives.

September 2020

Who Do You Live For?

Galatians 6:11-18 Key Truth:  We can experience true spiritual transformation only through the gospel.

Living A Liberated Christian Life

Galatians 5:16-26 Key Truth: Christian freedom is the freedom to obey Christ and reflect His character.

August 2020

Born Free

Galatians 4:21-31 Key Truth:  Through faith in Jesus Christ, we live under the gospel, not the law.

April 2020

Victory Through Prayer

Matthew 26:36-46 Key Truth: Submission to God is a source of power in prayer.  

March 2020

Praying The Prayer of Surrender

Isaiah 6:8 Key Truth: Because we have been redeemed by God’s amazing grace, our availability and prayers should always be surrendered to the will of God.

The Foundation For Dangerous Prayers

Key Truth: Because the heart is the seat of our emotional, intellectual and moral activities, it is wise that we ask God to search our hearts.  In-order that we may be able to pray dangerous prayers that reflect His glory.

February 2020

God is Greater Than…

Key Truth: God will use pain and tragedy in our lives, so that we can truly see that God reigns.    -When we take our focus off of our problems and place it on God, we see that God is Greater… God is greater than your sin. God is greater than your job. God is greater […]

You Are Not Your Past

Key Truth: Personal encounters with Jesus changes people. (Luke 19: 1-9)
