January 2020
December 2019
Christmas: Child or King?
Key Truth: The story of Jesus is a threat to those who are primarily committed to their own glory.
The Word in Action
Key Truth: Jesus Christ became a human being in order to show us the glory of God.
The Gospel According to Jonah
Key Truth: As Christians our attitudes, concerns, and priorities should reflect the heart of God. Jonah 4:1-11
November 2019
Man Overboard
Key Truth: The Lord went overboard to rescue Jonah. He has and continues to go overboard to rescue us. Jonah 2:1-10
October 2019
The Implications of the Resurrection
Key Truth: The resurrection of Christ guarantees the future resurrection of all believers and motivates us to live for a greater purpose in this present life.
September 2019
Order in The Church
I Corinthians 14:1-12 Key Truth: Our spiritual gifts and public worship must glorify God and help others grow toward Christlikeness. Spiritual gifts are grace given God ability endowed upon every believer for the purpose of serving other believers and bringing glory to Jesus Christ.
July 2019
Living For Christ in The Culture
Key Truth: We value God by acknowledging His glory in creation, worshiping Him corporately, and remembering Christ’s sacrifice.