April 2020
Staying Afloat During These Turbulent Times
Matthew 14:22-33 Key Truth: We have no reason to fear because no matter what circumstances we face, Jesus remains faithful.
March 2020
From Brokenness to Compassionate Praying
Nehemiah 1:1-11 Key Truth: Brokenness is the key to usefulness in God’s Kingdom. God will allow circumstances in our lives to overwhelm us, in order that we might humble ourselves and call upon Him in prayer.
February 2020
I Have Everything I Need
Psalms 23:1-6 Key Truth: Because Jesus Christ is our good shepherd we can rest securely in His love for us today.
You Are Not A Victim
Key Truth: Our faith in Jesus Christ demands that we never allow ourselves to become victims of our struggles, circumstances, Satan, nor other people’s opinions.
January 2020
December 2019
A New Year’s Resolution…
Key Truth: Through the power of the cross, Christians live new lives marked by sacrifice and holy living. Galations 2:20-21
November 2019
You Can Run, but You can’t Hide
Key Truth: God’s love and mercy extends to all His creation not just His covenant people.
October 2019
Leading and Loving Like Paul
Key Truth: Following Christ impacts your relationships and your commitments.
Life After Death
Key Truth: The resurrection of Jesus Christ and the redemption of our bodies means our present life has purpose.
September 2019
Walk In Your Giftedness
Every Christian has at least one spiritual gift. Key Truth: Like the human body, every believer is necessary for the church to function properly. 1 Corinthians 12:1-11