September 2022
August 2022
Men, Are You Missing In Action?
Ezekiel 22:23-31
Key Truth: God desires faithful men to “stand in the gap” for their families, friends, and church family, so that they would not face God’s wrath.
Fighting For Our Faith – Part 2
Jude 1-24
Key Truth: Christians are called to stand firm in the faith in the midst of a compromising society.
Fighting For Our Faith – Part 1
Jude 1-24
Key Truth: Christians are called to stand firm in the faith in the midst of a compromising society.
Using Our Words Wisely (Part 2)
Proverbs 18:20-21
Key Truth: As Christians we should use our words in ways that bring glory to God rather than shame to ourselves and pain to others.
Key Truth: As Christians we should use our words in ways that bring glory to God rather than shame to ourselves and pain to others.
July 2022
A Glimpse Into Biblical Prosperity
Proverbs 11:10
Key Truth: Many have used the term prosperity to associate it with the Bible to justify a certain financial status. It is true that God wants His children to prosper however Biblical prosperity differs greatly from that of the world.
Maintaining Our Focus Part 2
Matthew 16:13-20
Key Truth: The question of Jesus’ identity is the most important question any of us will answer in life, and it is the foundational truth that unites His church.
Maintaining Our Focus Part 1
Matthew 16:13-20
Key Truth: The question of Jesus’ identity is the most important question any of us will answer in life, and it is the foundational truth that unites His church.