August 2019
Living For GOD When You Don’t Have Homefield Advantage
Key Truth: God is with us in both the land of prosperity and the land of adversity.
When Obedience is Our Only Response
Key Truth: As disciples of Christ, God as a purpose for our lives. However, we must understand that obedience to God is necessary for living out that purpose.
Deut 4:1-14
July 2019
God’s Promises Are Made to Be Kept
Genesis 15:1-6
Key Truth: God’s faithfulness is a result of His nature backed by His promises and undeniable love He has for His people.
The Compassionate Christian
Key Truth:
Multiplication in the church happens when we begin to see the world through the eyes of Jesus Christ and not our own. Challenge yourself to be intentional about sharing Christ this week.
Matthew 9:35-38
John 4:1-30
Colossians 3:12-15
Living For Christ in The Culture
Key Truth: We value God by acknowledging His glory in creation, worshiping Him corporately, and remembering Christ’s sacrifice.
June 2019
Finishing Well
1 Corinthians 10:1-13
Key Truth:Freedom without self-control will ultimately lead you down a path of destruction. In order to finish this race, discipline, focus, and determination are required.
Don’t Let Your Rights Overshadow Your Love
Key Truth: Unity flows from a deep commitment to love another while uniformity flows from the need to control others.
I Corinthians 8:1-13
Biblical Principles For Marriage & Singleness
Key Truth: Our relationship to God guides and directs all our other relationships.
1 Corinthians 7:1-16
Jesus Christ and Sexuality
Key Truth: Jesus calls His followers to a standard of living that sets them apart from the rest of the world.