May 2020

Unforeseen Tragedy and Remarkable Faith Pt 1

Ruth 1:1-5

Key Truth: We may not have control over our circumstances, but we do have power over our attitude.

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April 2020

An Unusual Answer To A Dangerous Prayer

1 Kings 17:1-16

Key Truth: Sometimes God’s answer to our prayer comes in a package we were not expecting. 

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Prayers That Move Heaven and Earth

Acts 4:23-31

Key Truth:  How we pray is an indication of whether we have strayed from God’s mission for the church to make disciples.

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Victory Through Prayer

Matthew 26:36-46
Key Truth: Submission to God is a source of power in prayer.
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Staying Afloat During These Turbulent Times

Matthew 14:22-33

Key Truth: We have no reason to fear because no matter what circumstances we face, Jesus remains faithful.

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March 2020

Praying The Prayer of Surrender

Isaiah 6:8
Key Truth: Because we have been redeemed by God’s amazing grace, our availability and prayers should always be surrendered to the will of God.
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From Brokenness to Compassionate Praying

Nehemiah 1:1-11

Key Truth:  Brokenness is the key to usefulness in God’s Kingdom. God will allow circumstances in our lives to overwhelm us, in order that we might humble ourselves and call upon Him in prayer.

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The Foundation For Dangerous Prayers

Key Truth: Because the heart is the seat of our emotional, intellectual and moral activities, it is wise that we ask God to search our hearts.  In-order that we may be able to pray dangerous prayers that reflect His glory.

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Characteristics of a Dangerous Prayer

1 Samuel 1:8-18

Key Truth: Dangerous prayers are special petitions before God. Stemming from a deep desire that results in the community around you being blessed with God glorifying ramifications.        

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Close, But Not Close Enough

Key Truth: Our closeness to God is determined by our actions and motives, and how we respond with our opportunities.
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