August 2024

Building A Family Through Faith

Hebrews 11:8-12
Key Truth: Faith is the main ingredient in reinforcing a family’s foundation that will be able to withstand any of life events.

Sermon Video:

Sermon Outline:

Fighting The Good Fight In Marriage Conflicts

1 Peter 3:1-8
Key Truth: Marriage conflicts are an inevitable part of life. Thankfully, the word of God gives us some principles to help navigate us in difficult times.
Sermon Video:
Sermon Outline:

July 2024

The Family Standard

Ephesians 5:22-33, Ephesians 6:1-4
Key Truth: A successful family is not based on our own or public opinion; it is how we align our morales and values to the Word of God.

Sermon Video:

Sermon Outline:

Wisdom For Godly Parenting Part 2

Proverbs 1:1-8
Key Truth: Jesus expects, Christian families teach their faith to the next generation.
Sermon Video:
Sermon Outline:

Wisdom For Godly Parenting Part 1

Proverbs 1:1-8
Key Truth: Jesus expects, Christian families teach their faith to the next generation.
Sermon Video:
Sermon Outline:

Building Your Family On The Right Foundation Part 2

Joshua 24:14-15
Key Truth: In light of all that God has done for us, God demands that we serve Him courageously and exclusively.
Sermon Video:
Sermon Outline:

Building Your Family On The Right Foundation Part 1

Joshua 24:14-15
Key Truth: In light of all that God has done for us, God demands that we serve Him courageously and exclusively.
Sermon Video:
Sermon Outline:

The Church Exist To Make Disciples Part 2

Matthew 28:16-20
Key Truth: Following Jesus means you have been sent on mission to make disciples of all nations.
Sermon Video:

The Church Exist To Make Disciples Part 1

Matthew 28:16-20
Key Truth: Following Jesus means you have been sent on mission to make disciples of all nations.
Sermon Video Link:

June 2024

The Truth Cannot Be Held Down

Matthew 28:1-15Key Truth: Though the enemy attempts to dissuade and defeat us, Jesus’ resurrection secures hope, joy, purpose, and ultimate victory for every person who trusts in Him.
Sermon Video:
Sermon Outline:

September 2017

How Does God Save?

“How Does God Save?” from ACTS by Demetric Felton sr. Released: 2017.

Follow The Leading Of The Holy Spirit

“Follow The Leading Of The Holy Spirit” from ACTS by Demetric Felton sr. Released: 2017.

August 2017

The Deadly Danger Of Pride

“The Deadly Danger Of Pride” from ACTS by Demetric Felton sr. Released: 2017.

When The Church Prayed…

“When The Church Prayed…” from ACTS by Garry Parker. Released: 2017.

The Antioch Church Is Worthy Of Emulation

“The Antioch Church Is Worthy Of Emulation” from ACTS by Berry Ross. Released: 2017.

The Gospel of Salvation and Reconciliation


July 2017

Walking In The Fear Of The Lord

“Walking In The Fear Of The Lord” from ACTS by Garry Parker. Released: 2017.

The Doors Of The Church Must Remain Open

“The Doors Of The Church Must Remain Open” from ACTS by Demetric Felton sr. Released: 2017.

Saul The Converted Terrorist- Lessons On Grace & Forgiveness

“Saul The Converted Terrorist- Lessons On Grace & Forgiveness” from ACTS by Demetric Felton sr. Released: 2017.

Divine Appointments-So That The World May Know Jesus

“Divine Appointments-So That The World May Know Jesus” from ACTS by Demetric Felton sr. Released: 2017.