November 2021
An Overconfident Ambition To Greatness
Mark 10:35-45
Key Truth: Jesus is the greatest example to follow that leads to greatness in His kingdom.
October 2021
The Road To Commitment
Mark 10:32-34
Key Truth: Commitment is more than a verbal statement. It’s the actions that are taken that prove your sincerity.
Inquiring Minds Wants To Know Part 2
Mark 10:17-31
Key Truth: Following Jesus changes everything our identity, our priorities, and our eternity.
Key Truth: Following Jesus changes everything our identity, our priorities, and our eternity.
Inquiring Minds Wants To Know Part 1
Mark 10:17-31
Key Truth: Following Jesus changes everything our identity, our priorities, and our eternity.
Jesus Loves Children
Mark 10:13-16
Key Truth: When we come to Jesus humbly and trusting like children, we find Him ready to welcome us in His grace.
God’s Plan for Marriage
Mark 10:1-12
Key Truth: Marriage is not just a piece of paper. It is a covenant held in the highest regards to God.
Beware Of Hell
Mark 9:42-50
Key Truth: Be very careful of how you reflect Jesus Christ to others. Our eternity and spiritual rewards are greater than anything this world has to offer.
September 2021
Jesus, I Shrunk The Church
Mark 9:38-41
Key Truth: As Christians, we need to be careful not to make friends into foes.
Serving Towards Greatness
Mark 9:30-37
Key Truth: Jesus taught that true servanthood leads to greatness. Jesus lived a life of service with humility.