February 2020
God is Greater Than…
Key Truth: God will use pain and tragedy in our lives, so that we can truly see that God reigns.
-When we take our focus off of our problems and place it on God, we see that God is Greater…
- God is greater than your sin.
- God is greater than your job.
- God is greater than your marriage.
- God is greater than your children.
- God is greater than your failures.
- God is greater than your enemies.
You Are Not A Victim
Key Truth: Our faith in Jesus Christ demands that we never allow ourselves to become victims of our struggles, circumstances, Satan, nor other people’s opinions.
January 2020
How Big Is Your God?
Key Truth: As a Christian your vision of yourself and your circumstances will either hinder you or propel you into God’s divine purpose for your life.
New Year, Same Fight!
Key Truth: Many Christians are characterized as champions for Christ due to their continued fight to press on in spite of many life difficulties.
December 2019
A New Year’s Resolution…
Key Truth: Through the power of the cross, Christians live new lives marked by sacrifice and holy living.
Galations 2:20-21
Christmas: Child or King?
Key Truth: The story of Jesus is a threat to those who are primarily committed to their own glory.
The Word in Action
Key Truth: Jesus Christ became a human being in order to show us the glory of God.